Līvu tautas namā, Mazirbē tiek piedāvāts iepazīties ar lībiešu kultūru. Mazirbe, Košrags un Kolka ir seni lībiešu zvejniekciemati. Lībieši jeb līvi ir maza, vistālāk rietumos dzīvojošā Baltijas jūras somu-ugru tauta ar apdraudētu turpmāko eksistenci.

The People’s House was designed by Finnish architect Erkki Huttunen. This is the only one of E. Huttunen’s projects executed abroad, but in Finland E. Huttunen is recognised as one of the most brilliant representatives of functionalism in architecture.

The People’s House houses a collection of Liivs’ household objects and it is possible to listen to recordings of the Liiv language. The Liiv villages on the shores of the Baltic Sea still have buildings that were constructed at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, and even the settling structures of some villages.

The villages from Kolka to Sīkrags are connected by a forest road, which the locals call the old Mazirbe road. This road is suitable for cyclists. A 1 − 2 day long cycling tour is the best way to get acquainted with the special atmosphere of Liiv villages and also to observe nature in Slītere National Park.

Mazirbe, Košrags and Kolka are ancient Liiv fishing villages. Livonians, or Liivs, are a small Baltic Finno-Ugric nation living at the westernmost point. Their future existence is threatened. The small fishermen’s villages of Kurzeme shore welcome their guests with piers for boats, net sheds, ancient wooden constructions of the fishermen’s villages and exhibitions of antiquities, as well as an extensive offer of guest-houses. More information about Liiv culture is at www.livones.lv


Talsi district

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Talsi district
+371 63232293