For almost 200 years the name of Ligatne is closely linked with the paper mill. The historical centre of the paper mill’s village has survived to our times and is un urban construction heritage of national importance.
On the one hand, Ligatne is connected to the paper producer in Latvia that used to be the only one, on the other hand, to the old valley of Gauja River and Gauja National Park, but in the center of it there is Ligatne historical complex of paper industry with a unique “Historical center of Ligatne Paper Mill village”. The historical development of the village of Ligatne Paper Mill is at least 200 years long.
Ligatne is situated on 6 hills: Rigaskalns, Springukalns, Skolaskalns, Plucukalns, Kiberkalns and Remdenkalns, in the middle of which there is a valley named Zakusala.
The paper’s mill village developed together with the mill – the amnagement of the paper mill did everything to make the living conditions good for its employees.
Some rocks – Lustuzis, Anfabrika cliffs and Springu rocks are protected natural sites of national importance. But in Ligatne and its suburb there are tenths of cliffs and rocks, and the value of all these natural pearls is not less important, because how not to mention Gudu cliffs, Kuku cliffs, Zvartes rock and others.
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