Kukši Manor is a typical manor of the early 18th century. In historical documents it was first mentioned in 1530. The manor was called after brothers Pēteris, Jēkabs and Klāvs Kukši.

The present-day mansion was built in 1725. The part of the house facing the road has two floors while its other side overlooking the backyard consists of one floor. Dutch earthenware ovens and a fireplace inside the mansion have been maintained up to nowadays. Kukši Manor is the only manor in the Baltics where original wall-paintings have been preserved and restored. 

The manor was built in 1725 as a single-floor U-shaped building with a cellar. It has plastered boulder walls, a vaulted cellar, wooden ceiling and a tile roof. The main single-floor section with additional half-floor transforms into an attic in the front facade and into a pediment – in the back. Two-storey wings on the back facades. In the house there is a late 18th-century door and two ovens from early 19th century.

The manor is located by the Vēdzele or Kukšupe River 22 km from Tukums and 10 km from Kandava. It is considered a prime example of manor architecture in Latvia.

Guide service available


Kukšas, Kukšu muiža, Tukums district

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Kukšas, Kukšu muiža, Tukums district

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